Standing Alone in the Gap
Mark 3:21, "But when His own people (family) heard about this, they went out to lay hold of Him for they said, 'He is out of His mind.'" Jesus isn't very far into His ministry in this passage. He has just anointed the Twelve, entered a home and greeted by such a crowd that there is no room for he and his disciples to eat. And, "just in the nick of time" his family decides they must rescue Him from Himself. Even His very own family didn't get it. We like to think that they understood His whole purpose. However, we can clearly see in this scripture that they did not fully understand it. The family was fully human like us; but Christ was fully God and man. Continuing on, shouldn't we expect that HIS life IN us will not be understood by all nor please everyone at all times; even our Christian friends? We can expect to be...