I Peter 1:3-7 Today's passage got me through one of the most difficult seasons in my life. vs. 7, "These have come so that your faith of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire - may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." Though I would never have chosen the circumstance that brought that season, I would never change them! Oh to bring honor to Christ in my praise through a storm!
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I Peter 1:1-2 Beginning again, All Things New! It's a good time; the right time; finally. Once again I'm reminded that the journey we walk here is one of sanctification: consecration & purification of heart & life. At times, it's not pretty, fun and most assuredly wearisome. Yet somehow He always yields the "peaceful fruit of righteousness" in this worn out body. How does He create righteousness in me? Though I'll never understand, I am eternally grateful!! Thank you precious Jesus, Savior, friend. Stay tuned, I will be here more regularly!