September 15th, 2015 began my second semester as a Bible Study Leader in my church. I am humbled and blessed to have the opportunity to allow Christ to use me to be instrumental in the Molding, "Shedding & Shredding" sometimes even Bending of His "Believing God" Girls. We are all in this TOGETHER. The title of our study is Believing God, Experiencing a Fresh Explosion of Faith by Beth Moore. I've chosen to blog throughout this semester in the hopes that it will encourage "as many as He deems necessary." (You'll hear more about this prayer phrase soon.) Maybe, you will even decide you are ready for a Fresh Explosion of Faith... I began this study on March 8, 2008 the very first time. It had been a difficult 9 months prior that ultimately led my path to cross with this study. Let's backtrack to 2007 for a minute. Early that year, both my parents were fighting cancer. I was overwhelmed to say the least. What with carting the...
Showing posts from September, 2015