
Showing posts from June, 2019

The Same Power That Raised Jesus From The Dead

Singularly The Greatest Gateway to your  # BreakThrough  rests in the Truth of this scripture!  This same power that raised Christ from the dead sits ready for You to Access! Abandon a heart of flesh for His Perfect Plan. Then BELIEVE, Access and Activate His Plan for you with your prayers and praise. As you align your prayers with His will and praise through for your Breakthrough, He will show up BIG in the waiting!!  Remember my story, I was having my morning devotion in Virginia overlooking The Peaks of Otter when God clearly spoke to me, “Amy, you’re OCD! You have an Overly Controlling Disposition!”? Once I realized my greatest Blindspot and yielded my will to His, God began to move mountains for me and my family. That day, I began a new journey to crush the enemy with God’s Word and my Praise while awaiting His answer! What do you need Him to do for you today? Tell Him and Praise thru while He engineers your circumstances to bring your BREAKTHROUGH...

Are You Ready For Your Breakthrough Part 1a

     Titus 1:4-5, "To Titus, my true child in a common faith: Grace and peace from God the Father and  Christ  Jesus our Savior. This is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained into order, and appoint elders in every town as I directed you."      Paraphrase Paul left Titus in Crete so that he could create order out of the chaos there. Titus was the instrument that God  intended  to use to bring the Cretans Up , Out and Into Salvation with Jesus Christ. Titus had his work cut out for him since there was all kinds of ungodly  behaviour  there.       When was the last time you felt Order in your life? What does Order look like i n your world? In God’s economy, order is a beautiful 5 letter word,  P E A C E .             How can we find God’s PEACE and order amidst the chaos in our life?       To discover ...