
Showing posts from January, 2021

How Much Room You Gotta Leave Infinite God?

  Galatians 1:15, "When it pleased God..." We calculate and estimate based on math but factor God into any equation and His Infinite Self will BlowUpAnyEquation! God is infinitely able to blow up our Normal, Normal is our Nemisis! Look for Him with expectancy. Oh, He's going to show up in a way you cannot even imagine, that's God... our minds are just too finite to comprehend! The Great lesson to learn? He may show up at any minute and BreakItUp BlowItUp watch for His element of surprise ThisIsHim! WHEN it pleases Him, He will reveal Himself! Leave Room for God... how much room you gotta leave for Infinite God? Infinite... ToInfinityAndBeyond! (MyUtmostForHisHighest, Leave Room For God)

How Salty are you?

Are You Salty?  What’s the saltiest thing you can think of? What does "salty" mean? Mirriam-Webster says, “‘Salty' first appeared in the 1440 Latin-English dictionary as a translation of the Latin salsus , which means both "salty" (tasting of salt) and "salted" (covered or preserved in salt).” By the late 1800s, 'salty' referred to various aspects of naval life and culture. Since sailors had a reputation for colorful language, 'salty' soon came to refer to crude speech—and, later, to explosive anger. Who do You think was the 1st to coin this phrase?  Matthew 5:13, “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out of and sampled under people’s feet.”  Break it down: -You are Salt -If you lose your saltiness, how can your Salt-less-ness be restored? -Its no longer good for anything except thrown out & trampled unde...