
Showing posts from July, 2024

Believing Against All Odds

 Reading Psalms 83 this morning, “A Prayer When War Threatens”  Ten Nations conspiring against Israel, God’s Nation 🤔😵‍💫😎 ‼️The TEN forgot, God has “hidden Israel like a hen hides her chickens, under His wings; like treasure hidden away from the hands of their thief.” (Research by Roman Emperor Diocletian AD 284-305, cited by Spurgeon) 💡 ‼️ “Ten against One is long odds but then God was on the side of Israel.” (Spurgeon) 💡 ‼️”There was good reason for a pause when the nation was in such jeopardy and YET it NEEDS FAITH to make a pause, for UNBELIEF is always in a hurry!” (Spurgeon) 💡 Personal reflection: Sometimes, UN-Belief hovers over head…attempting to over power BELIEF. Pray, “God, Help my Un-Belief !”  Mark 9:14-24