
Showing posts from May, 2018

Reflections From My Study, When God Doesn't Fix It

     Nearly a month has passed since I completed my posts on When God Doesn't Fix It by Laura Story. I've realized a few really great shifts in my world so I wanted to take a quick minute to share them.      Twenty years ago, I believe I knew  in my head that God was sufficient and would provide for my every need. But now I see it with a fresh perspective from the evidence of His work. Mind you, while I was living those twenty years, I wasn't able to know what my life was going to look like now nor imagine the outcome of the all the grief and loss. In fact, most of the time, I could only sense that He was lighting the way right where I was. That's why I appreciate the Myth/Truth at the end of Chapter 18, " Myth : God is indifferent to the desires of our heart. Truth : God is able to do abundantly more than we ask for or imagine!" (2 Corinthians 9:8)        Chapter Nineteen, A Better Broken. Following are several "stand out...

Session 5: A Better Broken-My Overly Controlling Disposition

    Hey Girlfriends! I'm gonna jump right into it today!     Most people know that I was born with an overly controlling disposition but I'm not O.C.D., ha! I've been forced to find the humor in it and laugh at my M.O. The struggle is REAL! Most likely it began with the typical insecurities one develops in their childhood. I came by it naturally and I have owned it though I really wasn't cognizant of the effects it was having on my marriage, family and circumstances.     Early in my marriage, security was an issue for me but it had nothing to do with my choice in a mate; my husband is strong and fearless! Instead, my insecurities were rooted in a lack of faith in my Heavenly Father, I'm sad to say. I didn't know how to put my faith and trust in a Savior who loves me and desires His best for me. So, I made sure my opinions were known and if that wasn't enough, I made sure they were met!      When I began having children, my "high achievi...