Flee the Suffering? No, persevere IN it, please

     1 Peter 4:13, "But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when HIS glory is revealed." 

     In our culture today, we do not want to be identified with Christ's suffering.  Translatation: terminal illness, hardships, difficulties and financially hard times.  We are desperate to be encouraged so we flee without reaping the truthful value of the experience that God wants to use to help us be identified with Him.  (James 1:2-4).   We flee to a short cut.  God's way is rarely, if ever, short.  His way is generally long = Longsuffering to be exact.  Have we forgotten that HE IS our Happiness even in the suffering?  Are we so desperate that we miss the Happiness He affords to us IN these times?   

     Dear friend, if we will abandon TO His agenda, there is literally no telling what principle(s) we will come to discover.  God has been guiding our way, ..... just so .... so very maticulously, so particularly.  Yet we were not able to SEE it until we passed through to the other side.  Passed through to the other side.

     Father, today in our culture, may I abandon TO you so that your agenda is made known to me in my circumstances.  I desire YOU to be glorified in my sufferings and my trials.  I acknowledge that you complete me; you are my Happiness!


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