New Year's Resolutions

If someone asks me what my favorite holiday is I don't respond with the usual "Christmas" or "Thanksgiving". I enjoy those holidays but New Year's is my favorite because it is a great time for new beginnings. On January 1st this year, as I was driving, I saw a full rainbow. It was brilliant and reached all the away across the sky. It stayed only long enough to remind me of God's promise of new beginnings. It was exactly what I needed and the timing was perfect as God's timing always is. I always make New Year's resolutions. They are usually about the same and I use Luke 2:52 as my guide. "Jesus grew in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and men". I set my goals in those four areas. 1. Intelligence (educating myself and exercising my brain and praying for wisdom) I don't want to ever stop learning. 2. Physical (becoming physically fit through a healthy diet and exercise)3. Spiritually ( putting God first in my life and being consistently obedient to Him) and 4. Socially. (looking for ways to serve others). The new year is also a great time to put the past behind us and refuse to dwell on negative experiences that can bring us down. Philippians 3:14 says "Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." I love the words "press on" in that verse. It is having a "never give up" attitude whether that is in our intercessory prayer as Amy mentioned or the discipline it requires to keep those New Year's resolutions. Happy New Year!


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