Caught, again!

     He caught my attention today in Luke 18:1, "....always pray not give up.... I will see justice."  I've known so many who have prayed the same prayer request for years and have yet to see an answer.  I've always wondered how it must feel not get the answer you desire especially if your prayer is for your mate to meet Christ as their Saviour.

     Today, I'm struck by Intercessory Prayer in a whole new way.  I've always thought of it as my opportunity to pray for someone, on behalf of their circumstances.  I discovered two things I was missing out on though.  I haven't been putting myself in God's place to see from His mind and His perspective.  And secondly, I've been asking for too much understanding or information.  It's not how much I know that's beneficial.  Knowing too much can become overwhelming to my flesh and keep me from seeing His Truth.  Rather it's praying to become Like Him!

     In our culture, we miss out on so much when we start doing/working in lieu of Interceding on the behalf of other's first.  There is so much to be gained through Intercessory Prayer; it keeps our mind open to His thoughts and solutions.  My focus should be to intercede so much that I get through to God's perspective.  What does He want to me see?  What does He want me to pray for?  How does He want to meet someone's need through me?  I shutter to think of the many people and opportunities for intercession that I have let slip through my hands because I was too busy "doing/working" on my level of understanding.  God creates Intercessory opportunities for me "on the grounds of redemption" as Oswald notes.  These opportunities are not put in my path by accident; it is God's working out His redemption in our lives everyday. 

     Intercede.  Intercede on His line.  Set aside the fleshly perspective and let's see what new options the Lord gives that more specifically meet the needs of those He sends us to Intercede on the behalf of.  It's a journey ...a process ....never ending.  Keep on keeping on.  Steadfast.


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