Let's Talk about The Rivers

     Rivers begin at a higher source and as Oswald Chambers is quick to point out, "A river touches places of which it's source knows nothing.... a river is victoriously persistent, it overcomes all barriers."  When a river flows into a deep canyon the canyon can become so narrow as to hide the river from site.  As it runs it's course through the canyon it picks up minerals from the boulders and various deposits that fall into it's waters.  These minerals become life giving nutrients.  Then the river breaks from the canyon and the water's velocity becomes smoother and wider.  Those minerals deposited in the canyon now offer nourishment to whatever it makes contact with.  The time spent overcoming the obstacle of the canyon is purposeful and meaningful long after enduring the stress it brings. 

     Our lives are quite similar.  When we keep our focus on our original Source the obstacles, boulders, and currents  we call "LIFE"  deposit spiritual wealth into our experience "bank account".  Since we serve a Sovereign God who cares about the smallest details of our lives, we can emerge from the deep dark canyon called "LIFE" with a broad and stronger base while refusing to allow circumstances, people and places to come between our relationship with our Father.  We can never know when the Father is going to spill out our living water upon another soul; we need only remain focused on our true Source.  He will take it from there.  ~ Amy


  1. This river analogy and the truth of the importance of staying focused on the source reminds me of Matthew 6:33. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you." Also, the greatest two commandments... "Love God with all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself." If we put God first in everything we do, trusting Him and seeking his guidance He takes care of everything else. This doesn't mean that nothing bad will ever happen to us. It means that God will be with us through our struggles and problems in life. If we continue to "focus on the source" God will use our most tragic experiences of life to bring us closer to Him and become "fountains of Blessings " through which the rivers of life flow. I have been amazed at how God has used the most negative experiences of my life to make me more compassionate,grateful and aware of the importance of maintaining a right relationship with Him. When we truly love God, love for others comes naturally along with the desire to do what is right.


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