Reflections from "Passing On the Torch"

     II Timothy 2:24, "And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." 

     My personal interpretation: Kick quarreling out the door, replace it with kindness to all those in your household, at your church, at your work and in your every day encounters which will enable you to teach and therefore eliminate resentfulness from your heart.

    Therefore then, I am called to leave this Legacy to my children, my children's children and so on.  Since Paul was concerned for the next generation, I must be as well.  I am to be a Disciple Maker.  Since I'm not dead, I'm not done.  Paul feared being disobedient would make him a bench warmer spiritually.  I should fear the same.

     This is just a small testimony to the sermon I heard in church yesterday by Dr. Jack Graham.  I definitely heard some toes barking on my pew.


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