Breaking into the New!

     My Study Bible Online:  2 Cor 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come." 

     It's been awhile since I last published anything here.  I came to a season of silence before the Lord.  It's been wonderful to live and grow in the shadows of His peace.  A season to sort through some serious issues and hear from Him.  I love all seasons with Jesus; this one has been eventful, difficult and precious all the same.

     Today, I write to share that NEW things have come and OLD things have passed away.  2012 will break open many new things; I can sense it even more today than when first revealed to me.  I'm leaving behind some old patterns and wearing some new ones.  I'm clinging to the fresh crisp excitement in the air I breathe.  It's a new opportunity to share a Risen Savior and a Living God with those that the Lord would choose my path to encounter.  A God who desires freedom for the captives.  The One who desires not to bring harm but to give exceedingly, abundantly more than we can ask or imagine.  Behold, the NEW has come to Transform and Redeem us to Live like a Child of the King!

     "My Father is rich in houses and lands.  He holdeth the wealth of the world in His hands.  Of rubies and diamonds of silver and gold.  His coffers are full; He has riches untold.  I'm a Child of the King, a Child of the King.  With Jesus my Saviour I'm a Child of the King." from the Poem written by Harriet E Buell.

    I'm ready for the banquet table and feast!


  1. Very well said, Amy Girl! I love the verse you started out with. We are created "new" each day and that truth gives me hope and encouragement. I am also looking forward to putting the past behind me and clinging to the present and future. I am excited about what God might have in store. That's why New Year's is my favorite holiday. It's such a wonderful opportunity to start fresh and make positive changes. Happy New Year!


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