Friendships,,, connections,,, sometimes the circumstances that create them are unbearable. Isn't that a part of the purpose God intends throughout our life... friendships and connections brought about only by circumstances?  Though many of those friends if mine are miles and miles in distance from my present home, the connections remain as strong or stronger to this day. You know what I'm saying?  Isn't it just like God to give us something so special at one crossroad in our life and then boom, the circumstances change; time & miles create distance but the friendship deepens all the more.  I just love that about God.

Oswald spoke so deeply to this today.  Life with Jesus is like a Romance... uniquely brought together by special circumstances and boom we are in another place, distance comes but the moment we say, "Speak Lord," pause a moment and take the time to listen, He's right there speaking to us in the same way as before; as if we'd never skipped a beat or a moment together. The more time I intentionally make to listen to Him, for Him, the greater my sensitivity to His voice.   In Jeremiah 29, God promises us that when we seek Him, He will be found.

Go ahead, pause a moment today, say to Him, "Speak Lord", I know you'll hear from Him today!

Believing in Freedom for the Captives!
Isaiah 61:1-4


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