All In, All Out, All The Time

Remember when TV ended at midnight every day? Some of you are too young! Seriously though, every night at midnight Television went silent. You’d see a symbol on the screen. Some stations employed a flat line sound others were just silent with the symbol in the screen.

Can you even imagine that now in our social media world?! There was no Internet back then so there was literally no public entertainment after midnight. The USA was quiet for several hours straight.  Only the sounds of nature or an occasional vehicle out on the roadway.

You should give it a try sometime. Let your house go completely silent after everyone is in bed. Step out into nature at midnight. Look up into the night sky. Dream of being on a Hover Board in the midst of the stars. Just gaze at all the wonder of God’s Creation! Imagine a Genesis 1:1 moment!! God will meet you there in all His majesty and it will become a favorite encounter, I promise!

In Psalm 95, David calls us to “Come, make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!” Come implies an About Face, surrender, our undivided attention to the One who deserves our all on the altar of sacrifice laid. So we need a Ready Heart at all times to offer our sacrifice of praise to Him. When we worship, we are encouraged to worship with the Knowledege of Who He is - the One who holds the sphere of the universe in His hands. The One True God who sent his only Son, Jesus to live a perfect life.  He is singularly over all other gods as God resurrected Jesus Christ seting him apart from all other gods. And Jesus is sitting at the throne of God awaiting His marching orders to return to earth and take us home! Col 1:16-17. We are made by Him, saved thru Him, and held in Him. He is all authority, all control, Sovereignly “reigning” it all together in the palm of His hands.

Compelling isn’t it? Worship demands our humility. The posture of our whole being in response to the revelation of Who God is and His mind for us. Psalm 139. In 1961, A W Tosier said, “There’s an awesomeness about God which is missing in our day altogether. There’s little admiring awe in the church of Christ these days,” Talk about humbling! 57 years later, that quote almost takes my breath away!

Lastly Psalm 95, requests our enthusiasm in our worship. It gives us an Admonition to not harden our hearts towards worship but to listen for His voice and follow Him as sheep follow it’s Shepherd.

Michael Nelle states that “Personal and corporate singing, confession, adoration and repentance are vital to the whole person’s worship of the Almighty. We must dethrone ourselves from our hearts and enthrone Jesus.”  Self Must Fall! Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid? Who or What is sitting on the throne of your life today? Creation alone demands us All in, All Out, All the time!

Last week my husband retired from a 32 year career in the Fire Service. He spent many of those years as a Firefighter/Paramedic. Then furthered his career as a Captain and Battalion Chief. In his retirement speech on Friday, he gave one last charge to a sea of his “Brothers” attending the ceremony which included this command, “All In, All Out”. For those in the First Responder, Medical and Military communities, the devotion, dedication and complete sacrifice of  Line of Duty is paramount. In the First Responder world, the next 9-1-1 Tone depends on this attitude. Without complete trust in one another, a Firefighter cannot perform to his/her greatest potential. It requires sacrificial commitment trusting that each Firefighter will lay aside their SELF (their differences) for the greater purpose they are called To - The Next Alarm. In and of themselves individually, they are singular but united as One, they are a force to be reckoned with!

THIS is the call to WORSHIP, laying aside our SELF for the Sacrifice and Abandonment of our SELF to Christ, In Worship. Our ALL on the altar of sacrifice. Worship is primary to a healthy, growing, deep;y rooted and grounded relationship with the LORD! Joyfully, privately and publicly.

In summary, as a Christian, I

Obey Him and
Submit my
In the Storm or on the Desert Road as is my

Because He has PROVIDED:
a PATH of #FollowMe
and PROVISION #IAm #BreadOfHeaven
He has restored His PRESENCE in me #IWillBeWithYou #PersonOfChristInMe
and POWER #TodayThisMomentThisPlace
to TEST, TRY and PROVE Himself
and GIVE me
FAITH  (over)
to lie down in TRUST #Thankful #Guarded
and AWAKEN and SEE what the LORD has done for me in the morning.



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