Luke 6:45, "Out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks."

     Sometimes, the words strike as a knife after they leave the mouth.  Ever had that feeling when the stab from the lips of another penetrates your ears, then your heart?  Or perhaps worse still your own words as they leave your mouth penetrating the ears and the heart of another?  Sometimes, we find ourselves closer to a facsimile of something we wish we were not.  It's tough to look into our hearts.

     Our hearts are the breeding ground for all of our emotions.  It is the one place where both physical and spiritual birth take place.  (Oswald, Bib. Psych.)  In Matthew 12 we are told the story of God's Chosen Servant.  We become aware of the Pharisees' ill will, the heart, towards this man who called himself the Son of God.  It seems that everything Jesus spoke and taught cut through the core of their teachings and caused them to be uncomfortable. Yet, Jesus spoke truth, truth that would set them free.  How then could it be that Jesus' teachings would become such a raw subject that they needed to plot against him to his death?  The answer takes root in the heart.  Matthew 12:34, ".... For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks."  If left alone, a desire for power, entitlement, self-gratification and the like buried in the heart cannot cover itself with actions that disagree.  This desire ultimately yearned to kill the one who's words spoke mercy, forgiveness and love sacrificially for all.  But Jesus knew their thoughts (Matthew 12:25) and loved them any way because His thougths were not his own.  His thoughts were an exact reflection of His Father's thoughts. (Oswald, Bib. Psych.)  

     Unlike Christ who is One with God, we are given free will with our tongue and our brain.  We must choose to place the control of our tongue and our brain under His authority.  It all boils down to a heart matter; so simple yet so complex.  Will I willfully allow my heart to be a breeding ground for sin and disobedience?  Quickly we would reply, "Absolutely not!"  Yet if we take a closer look, we may be surprised at the truth.  Would I willingly to take a closer look?  Would I willfully give up my own for His; release my desires for His greater purpose? 

     Do not be deceived.  His Word is true and sure: Matthew 12:34,  ".... For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." Luke 6:45, ".... For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks."  John 8:31-32, " Jesus said, 'If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'"  Free your heart today; take a closer look and willfully choose to submit your tongue and your brain to His authority!  There's a banquet table prepared for you my friend; don't miss it!


  1. That is so true Amygirl! Our words have the capacity to do so much damage..yet, thankfully they also have the capacity to do a tremendous amount of good. As you said.. it all begins in the heart. It Romans it tells us to "be transformed by the renewing of our minds". If we can change our thoughts, we can change our words and our actions. I think we can do that by paying very close attention to what we allow to go into our minds and what we choose to dwell on. I know I tend to go back to that theme. It's because that truth has been so life changing for me. I'm still working on trying to live with God in control of everything about me...including my thoughts.


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