The BGG's had our second session together last week.  I already love these ladies so much!  You're enthusiasm ignites a new passion in me for "Believing God".  I'm so excited to see what God will do during the course of the next 7 weeks!

Just a few months after my Mom and my Daughter's Best Friend had passed and three short months before we learned the serious nature of My Mother-in-Law's vision issues.  I can't tell you how significant a God Stop moment it was when I read Ephesians 1:17 on Day One of this study!  That verse appears in part on my Mom's Headstone. In the NIV it reads,  "I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better."  Six simple words, That you may know Him better."  This was my Mom's wish for her children, grandchildren, and their children to "Know Him Better".  Little did I know what God had in mind for me when it came to Knowing Him Better.

We all have our "uniqueness". Please understand, I cannot fully know all the "uniqueness" in your circumstances and I don't pretend to. I can only speak from my personal "uniqueness" and "Believing God" has helped me to shed and shred some of that "uniqueness". I am a hopeful work in progress.

I coined a new acrostic for O.C.D. recently,  It came at a joyous time in my life and became quite humorous to me!  In fact, the more I thought about it the more I knew it was so incredibly true! OverlyControllingDisposition.  Makes you stop and think?  Have you ever tried to control:

The Outcome of Conflict
Choices outside of your Control
Consequences from Decisions you didn't make

An Overly Controlling Disposition will probably find it difficult to maintain itself.  Eventually life's circumstances may rush through like a wall of water and seem totally Out of Control. But for the Christian, God is still God.

And ONLY a Sovereign God has the Authority to engineer the circumstances to give us Freedom to make our own choices.  Those choices lead to our own individual consequences, good and bad.  

So you see, simply put, an Overly Controlling Disposition  is a very personal form of Conflict with Authority.  Complete Submission to Believe God's Sovereign Authority over Any Outcome, Choice or Consequence. No one is fit for that task except Sovereign God.

Perhaps, today you are struggling to Believe God's Sovereign Authority over a circumstance(s) in your life.  Be encouraged, you're not alone.  We BGG's took out an index card, wrote down our issue(s), placed the index cards in our Bibles and have begun praying Mark 9:24, "...O, God, help my unbelief."

The Five Statements of Faith:

#1 God is Who He Says He Is
#2 God Can Do What He Say He Can Do
#3 I am Who God Says I am
#4 I Can Do All Things Through Christ
#5 God's Word is Alive & Active in Me
I'm Believing God!

Until next time, bless you in your journey to Believe God!


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