As Many as You Deem Necessary

In July, 1998 when Meme (my mom) was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, she did what most of us would do and asked God why her, why now?  In her desperation to make sense of it all, God reminded her in His Word, that He already knew the # of her days and therefore a cancer diagnosis was no surprise to Him and simply a part of her Sanctification process.  Ultimately then, her days were not going to be cut short by disease.  Meme began to feel more settled with her diagnosis and receive it as part of His Greater Purpose for her life.  In that, she asked God to allow her to testify on His behalf to His goodness to her throughout this "storm".  In return, she asked of Him, that one could come to know Christ as Savior by way of her testifying.  About 10 days before she passed, Meme learned of the One she had prayed and asked God for.  It was a simple connection through her hobby, quilting that established the friendship.  The friend shared that Meme's 9.5 year testimony to God's goodness and champion spirit in Cancer drew her to want to know more about her God. Ultimately, she became a friend to Meme's God as well.

Fast forward to May, 2008.  Grandmother Radean shared with me that she too wanted to be able to testify to God's goodness in her Cancer diagnosis and hoped to draw others to Christ.  Though I was in this Believing God Bible Study, I wondered how God would work that out for her.  I rationalized to myself that she might not live long enough to meet any she was petitioning God for.  But, I might be.  So I prayed a simple prayer to God asking on behalf of the testimony of Meme and Grandmother Radean and the urgency of Beth Moore's encouragement to Believe God for More,  That's when THESE words came out of my mouth (words, I would've never coined myself; knowing then that they must have been from the Holy Spirit on my behalf.)  I prayed, "Lord Jesus, I come to you today asking not for myself but on behalf of these beautiful women for not ONE but for 'As Many As You Deem Necessary' to come to a Saving Knowledge of YOU, sweet Jesus."  I really had no idea what I was praying other than I was attempting to pray with as much sincerity and boldness as every in my life far beyond anything I could have ever asked or imagined.

On May 24, 2008, I awoke with a sense of urgency to get into the Word.  I opened Believing God to Week 6: Day 4 and "Today's Treasure":

II Corinthians 1:10-11, "He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and He will delivers us.  On Him we have set our hope that He will deliver us again.  You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many."

I knew God was assuring me that though Grandmother Radean's brain was never to wake up, God was delivering us from death, grief and would restore us because of the prayers of so many.  I trusted and Believed.

4 years and some months later, I was sitting in my Creation Room, having my quiet time when I received a text from my son, who was on a Student Worship Mission Trip to New York City with our church.  The text read, "Mom, meet Carlos, he just prayed to receive Jesus!"  Immediately, I felt the Holy Spirit press in and say, "THIS is One of the Many I have Deemed Necessary!"  Later that week, Matt surrendered to God's Call on Him for Ministry.  And now, I understood more fully, through the courage of his Meme and Grandmother Radean's Prayers, God has answered with more than I could have ever asked or imagined!

Since then, God has opened my eyes to understand that not only my son, but my whole family is called to testify to His Greater Purpose for our suffering for a little while. 

Indeed He has Delivered us: He is Delivering us and will continue to Deliver us for as Many as He Deems Necessary!


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