Session 1: When God Doesn't Fix It/Don't Be Surprised By Trouble

I grew up in a Christian home going to church every time the doors were open. I grew to love the people who loved me! My magical childhood belief was marry well, be obedient to God, faithful to your spouse, raise your kids in church and you will surely stave off difficulties and enjoy success. Sounds fairytale-like doesn't it? Funny thing is, I truly believed it. It's okay, you can laugh with me!

The problem came when circumstances beyond my control produced profound grief of all kinds. I had to accept the fact that life is hard and there's more to it than this present passing thing.

In Matthew 4, we find Jesus passing from Baptism into the Wilderness. He was being led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be temped by the devil. That caught my attention today y'all! Jesus came to this earth fully man led BY the Spirit who took Him INTO the wilderness! Sometimes, its the simplest of words in a single sentence that open up a wealth of truth for us, you know? Take the peace of that sentence with you today as you begin When God Doesn't Fix It and trust that ultimately Jesus walked in the wilderness to leave you a road map for your wilderness.

Take a look at Matthew 4 and find the "breadcrumb" trail. Record what the Spirit shows you in your Journal and mark it in your Bible - give it a date and a #Hashtag. Friend, God has a Word for you today!

In your Study Guide, find and complete these questions on page 13:
  1. What are some beliefs you held as a child that turned out not to be true? 
  2. How do the misconceptions we hold as children often shape our lives? 
  3. How can the recognition that this life will have loss, pain, and trouble prepare us to face these challenging times? 
  4. What are some of the consequences if we deny or ignore the reality of pain in this life?
Take a moment to watch the 1st Session Video here and complete the Discussion questions on pages 15-19.

Homework: Between-Sessions Personal Study pages 21-30.

As God directs you, jump back onto this post and comment with the truths and #Hashtags the Spirit gives you this week! I can't wait to see what God is revealing to you!

Love you my #WildernessGirlfriends!



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