Reconstruction, Nehemiah 6

 I’ve been in “reconstruction” for 131 days since losing my bestie and her husband. In today’s reading from Nehemiah 6, for me the realization of the 52 days to rebuild the wall symbolizes my grief journey. Not my first great loss by any means but because of those previous losses, I knew this journey would have to take it’s own course as the others had some 16 years ago.  I cling to this one short and simple phrase in the NLT: “…the enemies lost all confidence!” They were frightened and humiliated because This work was a work of The God whom they did Not trust. 

In the darkness of grief, it is not unusual for the enemy to attack with all vengeance; I’ve had my share. YET because my friends were saved, I’ve been comforted in this truth: “God is Sovereign from the Beginning” => my bestie and her husband are perfect and complete, lacking nothing in Heaven w/ Jesus. Therefore, I t is in God alone, I find My comfort. Though my heart is lost without our coffee chats, water workouts and the next trip we were planning to take, God is “reconstructing” me little by little. He is filling the void of this great loss. He is Mercifully healing my broken heart & providing new found friendships along this journey of grief…so “the enemies lost all confidence…” with the help of My God.


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