Session 2: When God Doesn't Fixt It/Best Made Plans - In The Wilderness

Hello Friends,

I trust you are enjoying our journey together through Laura Story’s book, When God Doesn't Fix It. First, I want to tell you how excited I am that Laura took us thru the points of salvation and creation. What a blessing it was to see her present the Gospel of Christ and His passionate pursuit of a relationship with you! Blessed my heart so much! If you’re still unsure what this relationship is all about, please feel free to email me, I would love to answer your questions.

Today, I want to share with you what God has revealed about season’s In The Wilderness. But first, I’d like to pray over you. Father God I come to you today on behalf of this one who has chosen to study Your Word, to dig deeper and pursue You more. Open the eyes of our hearts and minds to Your Spirit that we may hear what You want us to know and know what You want us to do. Bless our time here today in the renewing of our hearts, minds and spirits. We’ve come to get wisdom for our circumstances and in that wisdom we know we will find Truth that sets us free to be obedient and fruitful so that all we influence will be drawn to You and they too can discover this amazing Life you’ve created for us. I thank You Lord Jesus! Amen

In The Wilderness, It was pointed out to me that most of the time we believe “Wilderness” means hardship and unfaithfulness but that simply is not true. Let’s look at Matthew 3:16-4:2. Here you’ll find Jesus having been Baptized and then led By The Spirit into the ”wilderness”.

One of the things I look for in the Scripture as I study are expressions of time. Look back at these verses and record the expressions of time in your journal.

These are the ones I recorded:
vs 16-when, immediately
vs 1-then, after, forty days, forty nights

I want to focus on the word “Then” in 4:2. This is the one that caught my attention and caused me to ask the question, “when?” So I searched the Gospels of Mark, Luke and John to see what they recorded for “when”. I looked for other clues as to the timing of when Jesus went into the Wildrness. All but John recorded the exact same thing as Matthew, “then”. Next, after His Baptism, Jesus was “led into the wilderness by the Spirit.” The conclusion here is intentionality but there’s more to be drawn from the wilderness.

The second discovery I made? Jesus spent forty days and 40 nights fasting. Y’all that’s a long time to go without food and drink! Moses;34:28 and Elijah each spent 40 days and 40 nights fasting as well. Generally, when you take a quick look, fasting was a practice of self-denial.

I think there is much to discover about the Wilderness.  But for our purposes, it is a good place to Go, it is meant to separate ourselves for the purpose of denying our self. Intentionally coming into the Presence of Almighty God to gain insight and wisdom for the season that is to come  as we Go!

As you prepare for the 2nd session video with Laura, begin with prayer. God is about to do something great in Your life. Get Ready!


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