Session 3: When God Doesn't Fix It - More of You Means Less Of Me

(I'm still working on my skills with blogging so today I can't figure out why the font went from black to white - #I'mHereToGiveYouHope)

Good Morning my Friend, it's a beautiful this morning in Texas and a great reminder that God Almighty is with us and watching over us wherever we go. Usually by Week 3 in any study God has specifically directed for me, He begins to reveal the "why" I was to pursue the study in the first place.  When God Doesn't Fix It is no different! Wow, just wow! As we have studies Abraham and Sarah this week, He has reminded me of many truths I have already learned and emphasized others I had not yet discovered. Nothing gives me a greater stamp of approval for a study I'm digging into than God's repeating and renewing of His Word. However, nothing brings me to my knees more than a new look at a familiar Word

This week, God has been asking me to give something up that I've held onto for years, I mean years, y'all! Why have I waited so long? Why do I keep thinking, "I've got this God, no need to do it Your way - mine is better?" I'm guessing you may have been thinking and asking the same thing of your self this week. Certainly, Laura's transparency and a deeper look at Abraham told us we are not alone in this thought.

My greatest discovery came when Laura clearly pointed us to Isaiah 55:11. I loved the surrounding verses beginning vs. 8 and ending with 13, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorns shall come up the cypress; instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle; and it shall make a name for the LORD, an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off."

Then in our Study Guide, Laura stating that even our Disobedience canNot thwart God's plan, His agenda. I take great comfort in these thoughts moving forward into the Wonderful Life God has planned for me, for you!

One song from Passion's newest Album, Whole Heart, More Like Jesus is pretty much on replay these days. Perhaps the lyrics will strengthen your resolve this week to give up that THING so God can do HIS thing in you're life.

More Like Jesus, written by:

Brett Younker, Brooke Ligertwood, Kristian Stanfill, Scott Ligertwood

You came to the world You created
Trading Your crown for a cross
You willingly died
Your innocent life paid the cost
Counting Your stature as nothing
The King of all kings came to serve
Washing my feet
Covering me with Your love
If more of You means less of me
Take ev'rything
Yes, all of You is all I needTake ev'rything

You are my life and my treasure
The One that I can't live without
Here at Your feet
My desires and dreams I lay down
Here at Your feetMy desires and dreams I lay down

If more of You means less of me
Take ev'rything
Yes, all of You is all I need
Take ev'rything
If more of You means less of me
Take ev'rything
Yes, all of You is all I need
Take ev'rything

Oh Lord, change me like only You can
Here with my heart in Your hands
Father I pray make me more like Jesus
This world is dying to know who You are
You've shown us the way to Your heart
So Father I pray make me more like Jesus
Oh Lord, change me like only You can
Here with my heart in Your hands
Father I pray make me more like Jesus
This world is dying to know who You are
You've shown us the way to Your heart
So Father I pray make me more like Jesus
More like Jesus I pray
Make me more like Jesus
Oh Lord, oh Lord
Father I pray, Father I pray
Make me more like Jesus

If more of You means less of me
Take ev'rything
Yes, all of You is all I need
Take ev'rything
If more of You means less of me
Take ev'rything
Yes, all of You is all I need
Take ev'rything

Session 3 Video HERE

Looking forward to seeing your comments for great discussion!

Because HE LIVES!



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