Session 4: Why? The Question on Replay - Out Of The Chaos, Into Order

     Somehow our culture has planted a lie in our heads and subsequently our hearts that life is easy. We've bought into a lie that we can control our circumstances by setting boundaries to all things tumultuous. In the event we do face adversity, we believe God will completely protect us from pain. Rarely is this true, right? Yet, isn't it so familiar in our society?

     In the last 20 years, grief  has beckoned at our door. Loss of life, loss of dreams, loss of relationships, loss of time. I could go on and on. Oh yeah, you bet I asked God why. I've begged Him to heal the loss even to remove it. It's been a somewhat lonely place from time to time. However, what I tell people regularly is this: Though I would NEVER choose the circumstances that created our grief over these 20 years, I would NEVER change them!! Why? (Haha, gotcha!) Because the relationship I have with God today has given me Faith to Believe Him when there's nothing to Believe except Who He is and What He has promised!!

     I love the illustration Laura used this week speaking of David in Psalm 40:1-2. Let's make a list of who did what:

  1. David waited patiently on God
  2. God turned to Him
  3. God heard his cry
  4. God lifted him from the pit, mud and mire
  5. God set his feet on a rock
  6. God gave him a firm place to stand
      David's grief for his sin was authentic and the joy he received from the Lord were equally so. David knew what it was like to wait on God. In Psalm 103 & 34, David commanded his soul to praise God and to extol the LORD at all times. He was teaching himself to keep a praise on his lips. Keep a praise on my lips. #gamechanger

      In Holy Roar by Chris Tomlin and David Whitehead, they write about the basis for biblical worship: 
  • Worship is my Declaration of Who God is
  • Worship is my Proclamation of What God has promised 
  • Worship is an opportunity to offer my joy for What God has done and will do
     Worship is the vehicle that gets me over the hump, through the storm, lifts me past the uncertainty into His certainties and unites my mind with His. It pushes me into Joyfulness even when I can't feel a reason why I can have joy!

     What's on your Why list? What about your How list? 

      Did you discover any Irreconcilable Differences? I found myself compelled by this statement Laura made on page 164, "The key is for both of us to adjust our expectations. We need to see marriage not as a union to make us happy but as union to make us holy."  

    Clearly, many of my expectations are rooted in selfishness. There's only One who can make me truly Happy, truly Fulfilled! His name is Jesus Christ. To expect that of my spouse creates an atmosphere for chaos and disorder. When I get my eyes off of myself and set them on serving my significant other, I can get into God's space, God's order and then Everything works! What Why is keeping you from getting into God's space and experiencing His order?

      This week I want to challenge you to ask God every morning when you awake and every evening when you lay your head down:
  • What Do You Want Me To Know? 
  • What Do You Want Me To Do?
     I will be asking myself these same questions. Let's see where we land and come back to share our thoughts in the comments of this post.

    Love you all SO much!

Session 4 Video is ready, HERE

Because He LIVES!



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