Is the Source of your Flow obstructed?

      My Utmost encourages us that we should "'be being filled' (Eph 5:18) and the sweetness of the vital relationship with Jesus will flow out as lavishly as it is imparted to (us).  If not, something has obstucted the flow."  It would seem to say that even in the struggles and trials of this life as we remain focused on the Source, Jesus Christ, our circumstances may not seem blessed, but rivers of living water will still flow.  So, I stopped this morning and examined the "flow," taking into consideration all types of circumstances/obstacles in life today.  What obstructs the Source of your flow?  Busyness and Stress, Rebellion, Terminal Illness, Death and Sorrow, Frustration?  Yea, all of these can obstruct the flow of His living water - not from entering your spirit but from exiting your spirit.  (John 7:38, "... shall flow rivers of living water.)  Won't you take a moment to be still and allow Him to reveal any obstruction that is keeping you from passing on the living water he is supplying?  Rememeber, a river will be victorious even when obstructed so keep looking to your Source.  Not even the Mighty Hoover Dam can stop His river.


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