Out of the Finite and into the Infinite

Matthew 26:40, "Could you men not keep watch with me for one hour?" 

      It's easy to think, "I would not have done that; no, no way." Then the Lord gently reminds me of a request He made of me this time or that time or even another time and I'm suddenly humbled to realize that I too, would mostly likely have fallen asleep that night in The Garden of Gethsemene.  Would you take a moment to go deeper with Him, "Lord, show me when I have missed out on 'watching with you'?"  Would take a moment to sit and listen as He reminds you of an event or circumstance or perhaps a person.  Let Him draw you into His thoughts.  Be patient and wait on Him to speak to you just now. 

     We have to get out of our finite minds and into the INFINITE wisdom that is available to us when we "watch with Him" as His word is revealed to us and our circumstances reveal Him to us.  ~ Amy


  1. Amy, Once again I am reminded, too, that our ways are not His ways, nor our thoughts His thoughts. In my study this morning, Believing God, Beth M.: God prioritizes the internal work over the external work. If God says no...He is prioritizing the internal work! Wow! Proverbs 2:1-5 ...Make your ear attentive to wisdom, incline your heart to understanding...Then you will discern the fear of the Lord, And discover the knowledge of God. Father, may I continue to believe You will do what You say You will do. Help my unbelief. Julie


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