Where Spiritual Confusion Meets Surrender

     Some days are a struggle as we believe we are handling our circumstances well and then out of nowhere we find ourselves in Spiritual Confusion.  The Bible tells us in I Cor 14:33, "For God is not the author of confusion but of peace..." From that we surmise that God is not a God of confusion.  True that!  He created this world and ordered it completely.  How can God be confused?  Key word in the verse: "author of."  God does not author confusion.  Spiritual Confusion is; however, authored in our minds and manifested in our human flesh.  God will not reveal the full measure of our circumstances until such a time as He is ready and He knows we are ready.  If at times, we feel the circumstances are keeping us from seeing the face of Christ or understanding fully, we need to take refuge in His shadow; in His Sovereignty and WAIT.  The real consideration is, "Are there enough "credits" in my spiritual bank account to carry me past the "debit" of Spiritual Confusion?"

    Surrender.  Surrender of the will.  Christ leaves the yielding of our self - our will - to  us.  He waits patiently until we have fully fought that battle - giving up the right to our SELF and surrendered completely to Him.  Surrender until nothing other than His best appeals to us; an unbroken likeminded friendship with Him, if you will.  A mindset that does not question what today will bring nor how it will effect our life.  Rousing ourselves up to do that which He believes we are able to do to bring Him glorification and thereby draw others to Him.

     Wow, Christ would choose to entrust such an honor to me?  Yes, and you!  We are the picture of HIM to the world everyday.  Spiritually Confused?  Choose Surrender!


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