
     God has given us His Divine Strength and Power through the Holy Spirit at Salvation to fight off the things of our flesh which become so deeply embedded in us as to destroy our river of blessing in this world.  Our impulsive actions quench His Spirit.  Our impulsive plans and projects carried out before we take them captive to prayerful consideration make a mess of things.  Then, we wonder, "What went wrong?" So, we analyze it and recreate it and then we tweak it, again and again.  Where once the project could have been an innocent act of Obedience to Him, it now became a work of the flesh.  Impulsively, we put the project into play before being disciplined to stand still and wait on Him to approve it one step at at a time.  Our flesh distinguished itself from His making it our own project/plan.  It took away from the time He wanted and needed to create a work in us.

     I'm feeling really small just about now as I consider my impulsiveness.  I'm confessing and believing Him to do His work in me so as to be a mirrored reflection of Him here on earth.  I have to unlearn impulsiveness as it seeks to devour and destroy His handiwork in me!  How?  How do I unlearn impulsiveness?  It takes tireless determination and discipline - taking my every thought and effort into His Captivity so that it MIRRORS Him not my flesh!  He gave us this instruction in 2 Corinthians 10:5, "Casting down imagination and every high thing that exhalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing it into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." (King James Version)  "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (New International Version)

    God, you are so personal today as to hit me square in the eyes with the truth that will set me free, free-er than ever before.  I'm certain I will fail again and again at unlearning impulsiveness. Thank you for being more interested in the process than the goal.  May I be all about the process of unlearning and less about the impulsiveness!  ~ Amy



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